# Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2025 2026 to 2030 Godha Cabcon and Insulation Ltd. has been listed on various stock exchanges, but its share prices have seen a significant drop, causing a noticeable decrease in the overall value of its shares. In the past, the company issued forecasts for its share prices, including predictions for Godha **[Cabcon Share Price Target 2025 to 2030](https://www.indiapropertydekho.com/article/362/godha-cabcon-share-price-target-2025)**. However, these forecasts did not materialize, as they tend to do in similar situations. Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2022 Months Target Prices January0.55 February 0.67 March 0.71 April 0.79 May 0.82 June 0.86 July 0.91 August 0.93 September 0.98 October 1.23 November 1.28 December 1.32 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2023 Months Target Prices January 1.44 February 1.49 March 1.53 April 1.58 May 1.68 June 1.74 July 1.79 August 1.82 September 1.86 October 1.91 November 1.93 December 1.98 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2024 Months Target Prices January 2.03 February 2.16 March 2.19 April 2.23 May 2.27 June 2.34 July 2.37 August 2. 39 September 2.45 October 2.49 November 2.52 December 2.56 ![](https://pad.funkwhale.audio/uploads/2d63aee8-af37-447c-a882-935d6bdf8990.jpg) Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2025 Months Target Prices January 2.61 February 2.63 March 2.68 April 2.72 May 2.78 June 2.81 July 2.84 August 2.88 September 2.94 October 3.01 November 3.15 December 3.47 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2026 Months Target Prices January 3.50 February 3.54 March 3.61 April 3.66 May 3.72 June 3.78 July 3.81 August 3.84 September 3.88 October 3.94 November 3.96 December 4.12 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2027 Months Target Prices January 4.15 February 4.20 March 4.25 April 4.30 May 4.35 June 4.40 July 4.45 August 4.50 September 4.55 October 4.60 November 4.65 December 4.70 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2028 Months Target Prices January 4.75 February 4.80 March 4.85 April 4.90 May 4.95 June 5.00 July 5.05 August 5.10 September 5.15 October 5.20 November 5.25 December 5.30 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2029 Months Target Prices January 5.35 February 5.40 March 5.45 April 5.50 May 5.55 June 5.60 July 5.65 August 5.70 September 5.75 October 5.80 November 5.85 December 5.90 Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2030 Months Target Prices January 5.95 February 6.00 March 6.05 April 6.10 May 6.15 June 6.20 July 6.25 August 6.30 September 6.35 October 6.40 November 6.45 December 6.50 Godha Cabcon and Insulation Ltd Financials Market Capitalization Value 56.63 crores Total Share Capital 66.62 crores Total Borrowings 2.47 crores Trade Payables 0.03 crores Trade Receivables 19.41 croresTotal Inventories 31.96 crores Total Assets 70.66 croresTotal Revenue 18.23 croresTotal Expenses 16.72 crores ROE0.74 percent ROCE2.14 percent PB ratio0.83 percent PE ratio26.92 percent DE ratio0.03 percent Dividend Yield ratio 0.01 percent Godha Cabcon and Insulation Ltd Shareholding Pattern Shareholders Share Percentage Retail and others92.03 Promoters 7.97 These forecasts were incorrect, as the company didn't reach its established goals based on these predictions. The company's targets for the previous year, **[Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2025](https://www.indiapropertydekho.com/article/362/godha-cabcon-share-price-target-2025)**, were not achieved, and it's expected that the same failure will continue for this year's objectives, **[Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2024](https://www.indiapropertydekho.com/article/362/godha-cabcon-share-price-target-2025)**. This suggests that failing to meet the previous year's goals could lead to the company revising its future targets for other years. Currently, Godha Cabcon's shares are trading at 0.80 INR, with prices that vary and can change at any time. Recently, the company's shares have dropped by 5.88 percent. The range of share prices for Godha Cabcon, taking into account the current market conditions, is from 0.80 INR to 1.09 INR. The company reported a net profit of 1.22 crores in its latest period. The highest **[Godha Cabcon Share Price Target 2025](https://www.indiapropertydekho.com/article/362/godha-cabcon-share-price-target-2025)** was 1.30 INR, and the lowest was 0.45 INR. Given the current market prices, it seems that Godha Cabcon's shares are overvalued by 78 percent. Despite being on the stock markets, Godha Cabcon and Insulation Ltd. have been underperforming, with its share prices consistently on the decline, leading to a notably low overall share value. The company has not met its established goals, and it's possible that after missing its targets for this year, the company might adjust its future goals for other years.